Thursday, April 8, 2010


Just the thought of having his granddaughter marrying Steven angered him. Why do all of them have to fall in love and leave? Alice, his favourite was the last to marry.

In the field he would play with his favourite bird and allow it to flutter around while he lied on his back His birds were all he had left, but they were sure to leave as well- he was certain.

He was told that Alice was happy, and advised to feel the same way she did. But he felt a sense of worry and depression. When Alice marries Steven, he feared both would forget about him altogether. Grandfather hated Steven. He hated him for stealing the only granddaughter he had left. A month would would past by, and he'd be alone in his empty home.

As Alice waits for her love, grandfather attempts to convince her that she is making the wrong decision. Her replies infuriated him as she disagreed with his words. Moments later, grandfather stands alone at the back of the house staring off into the distance, tears running down his cheeks. He doesn't want to let go, she will not visit him, she won't!
Alice and Steven greet him as they made their way and hand him a present. A bird to prove that they would not leave permanently, they'll be there for grandfather, always.

The couple runs off on their own, enjoying the afternoon, laughing and having a good time. Just as he did before, grandfather feels alone and forgotten. He sets to his birds and releases every single one of them. Like he expected, they flew away up high into the sky. He stood erect as he watched his prize possessions further themselves away. To his surprise, they returned some moments later ready to be placed back into the dovecote they were kept in.

Letting go is going to be hard. But like his birds, Alice is sure to come back and visit.